Well, here I am, after 24 long hours--my locks are done!!!! We started at 7:00am Saturday, and worked to 3:00pm. I came back at 6:30 Sunday, and Cia finished up at 1:00am Monday. She really is meticulous about the partings. Even my largest locks are tiny--I can't imagine how small micro locks would be. The first two pictures show me bleary eyed at 1:00am, just after she had finished.
These pictures show the texture and curls a little better. The scalpy/plucked chicken thing turned out not to be a big issue. The picture on the left is the top of my head--mostly covered
with proper finger combing.
And one more picture--me enjoying my brand new Sisterlocks!!
Congratulations Paylar, Your hair is looking great. I can't imagine sitting for that long but, I know it's worth it.
I'll be checking back with you to see your progress.
Whew, that was a long time, but it looks like it was well worth it. Your hair turned out great.
Welcome to Sisterlockdum!
Congratulations! Your new SLs look great.
Your Sisterlocks look great! Congratulations!
Congratulations. Your hair looks wonderful.
All the best to you, your hair looks fantastic and I know that you will have so much fun wearing them. Thanks for your comments on my blog, and yeah, your loctician probably does deserve a fat tip for your beautiful locks ;-)
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